all postcodes in M3 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M3 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M3 5AG 3 3 53.482637 -2.252834
M3 5AH 1 1 53.481875 -2.251488
M3 5AJ 1 0 53.482295 -2.252907
M3 5AL 1 1 53.484273 -2.248172
M3 5AP 2 2 53.482728 -2.252262
M3 5AS 97 1 53.484986 -2.24682
M3 5BA 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206
M3 5BB 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206
M3 5BD 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206
M3 5BE 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206
M3 5BF 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206
M3 5BG 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206
M3 5BH 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206
M3 5BJ 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206
M3 5AQ 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206
M3 5BN 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206
M3 5BQ 16 14 53.484216 -2.248696
M3 5JS 26 1 53.483994 -2.248592
M3 5BS 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206
M3 5BW 1 1 53.483519 -2.252206